Di kesempatan pagi yang cerah ini.
Saya mau share bagaimana cara Sync Contact dari MeeGo ke NitDroid.
Mungkin udah pada banyak yang tau.
Tapi beberapa masih saja ada yang bertanya
Bagaimaba sih caranya.
Ok. Yang sudah tahu nyimak ajha.
Yang belum tahu...
Monggo di cermati ...
Here we go. the easiest way to sync your contact
1. Boot into
2. Go to Contatcs
3. Click on menu -
export contacts - (select file)
4. Wait a minute till Importing finished.
5. After all. Reboot your phone and switch into
6. install this app (
download here) - open the app.
enable it. and than
enable menu softkeys (look at the picture)
7. Go to
People -
swipe/touch the bottom - so the hiden menu apear (look at the picture)
8. click the
menu softkeys (look at the pict.)
9. select
10. select
Import from Storeage.
wait a minute till all your contact are imported.
it is so easy, isn't it?
sorry for my Bad english.
maap. bukannya sok sok an pakek bhs inggris.
tapi mungkin aja ada orang luar yang ngunjungin ini blog.
Thats all for this post...
Still confused? You can ask me here www.twitter.com/irulestar
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